Welcome to Tracebuzz

Use Tracebuzz to communicate securely and efficiently with customers from one platform and get more out of your Customer Contact Center (KCC). Tracebuzz integrates with your current systems. Together with our messaging solution, your organization is always available to raise greater customer satisfaction. See more? Request a demo immediately.

Tracebuzz is the specialized
customer contact solution for social media and messaging.

Comment faster and smarter

Increase customer satisfaction

full coverage on social media

Our software

Social media such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram can no longer be ignored and have a relevant position in our society. Therefore these channels are relevant to your organization. Your customers are also represented on these platforms, so it is important to monitor online conversations. Tracebuzz provides effective solutions for online media monitoring and real-time web care. Want to see more of our software?
Request a demo here!

What our clients say

"Because of the smart routing and user-friendly user interface, we have the lowest handling time in social terms compared to all our other customer contact channels."

Lauren Weijers - IKEA

"By using Tracebuzz, we have achieved exceptional growth in customer satisfaction on our socials."

Elmer Hiemstra - bol.com

"After we fully integrated with our CRM solution, we completed the customer communication landscape."

Roberto Houwelingen - Albert Heijn

The solution for your staff shortage

Not so long ago, it was thought that automation would take jobs away at customer contact centres. But the opposite is true. Never before have there been so many people at work and the demand for new people has been so high. Technical solutions can help relieve the pressure on your employees..
Read more

Download our whitepapers for free

At Tracebuzz we work hard to improve our software. We do this together with our customers and partners. Because we feel passion for the topic of customer contact, we are well informed in this market. We would like to share this knowledge fo you to get started. For example, we regularly write whitepapers that can be downloaded for free from our website. Would you like to download our whitepapers? Click here to download our free whitepapers.

Happy customers